Five Key Elements to Include in your Linkedin Profile

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for networking and showcasing your professional brand, so make sure to leverage its features to present yourself effectively to potential employers, clients, or collaborators.

When creating or updating your LinkedIn profile, it's important to include key elements that showcase your professional background, skills, and accomplishments. Here are five essential things to include.

Professional Headline

Your professional headline appears right below your name and is one of the first things people see. It should concisely describe your current role, expertise, and unique value proposition. Use keywords relevant to your industry to enhance discoverability.


Your summary is an opportunity to provide a brief overview of your professional background, skills, and goals. It should be concise, engaging, and capture the attention of potential employers or connections. Highlight your key accomplishments, areas of expertise, and what sets you apart from others in your field.


Include a comprehensive list of your professional experiences, starting with your most recent or current role. For each position, provide a clear and concise description of your responsibilities, accomplishments, and the impact you made. Use action verbs and quantifiable results to showcase your contributions.


Highlight your core skills and areas of expertise. Be specific and include both hard and soft skills relevant to your industry. This section allows others to endorse your skills, further validating your proficiency.


Request and display recommendations from colleagues, clients, or supervisors who can attest to your professional abilities. Recommendations provide social proof and strengthen your credibility. Aim for a diverse range of recommendations that highlight different aspects of your work.

Bonus Tip

Don't forget to include a professional and approachable profile photo. People are more likely to engage with profiles that have a clear and friendly photo. Dress appropriately for your industry, make sure the lighting is good, and ensure your photo reflects your personality.

Remember to regularly update your LinkedIn profile to reflect any new achievements, certifications, or responsibilities.