Moodboards and Manifesting What You Want

Woman in hat looking down towards the ground

I’m not generally a super negative person but it definitely creeps in every now and then when things are hard or just not going to plan. We can all get a bit down and stressed right? But I wanted to change that negative cycle of thinking that sometimes pops up and manifest some positive changes in my day to day life.

So, what did I do. I listened to a short podcast on manifesting what you would consider your ‘must-haves’ for the upcoming 12 months. Things that are non-negotiable’s in your life, that you must achieve, that you must have. It was actually a really good experience and it helped me to nail down what will genuinely make my soul happy. I mean we all want a holiday sunning ourselves on gorgeous Santorini right? I definitely do. But is it the first thing I think about when I wake up? Did I think about it constantly throughout the day? Nope. I thought about my website design business and how much I want it to be a roaring success. I think about moving to the country with my family and having the kids grow up around animals and with plenty of space. And I think about having a happy soul. Being comfortable in my own skin.

Woman staring at the camera with her arms above her head
Cane chairs in the sun

I made up a moodboard of images that reflected what I wanted out of the coming year. It was really easy to do using Canva but you can use any tool like Adobe Illustrator or XD. You could even go old school and use a board with actual paper and pins. Get the kids involved (if you have them) and you might find out a few things about what is important to them. You can find images anywhere (and everywhere)… here are a few suggestions; old magazines, your phone, free image sites like Unsplash & Pexels, Instagram and of course, Pinterest.

Woman's hand holding a paint brush with a flower painting in the background
Unmade bed with a side table full of books and a coffee mug

The only advice I’d give you, cause I’m no moodboard expert, is to take some time to think about what really drives you. What do you think about more than anything else?

Will it work? I’ll let you know. Good luck with your manifesting!